
CombiLift is designed to handle long-loads safely. By eliminat­ing the need to travel with elevated long loads, the unit pro­vides greater stability. Its integrated platform with low center of gravity also provides a more stable base. 


Combilift for the Timber Industry 
5 Series


Omni Directional Forklift Battle
See which one wins. 


Combilift for the Oil Industry 
C Series


Combilift Comparison Video.
One model is faster than the other. 


Combilift Spreader Bar
Installation and Usage


SST Blog - The Best Forklift for Handling Wide Loads


Blog Post: The Best Forklift for Handling Wide Loads: Combilift Straddle Carrier, Omnidirectional Forklift, or Slip Sheet Truck Loader


Combilift Lifting Innovation
Well Designed
Handling Solutions
Combilift Truck